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How to Influence Stars and Planets

The Planets bestow benefits and cause ill effects as are aspected in the Rashi. Indian mythology affords ample proof of these. To optimize beneficial results and to mitigate ill effects, our great seers and learned ancestors have worked out prescriptions. Now you see what they are and what they can do for you.

Sun / Surya
Sun is treated as a ferocious and cruel star...

Moon / Chandra
Moon is associated with the functionality of mind...

Mars / Mangal
Mars, a powerful planet, can work out miracles for...

Mercury / Budh
Mercury is adored for bestowing blessings of...

Jupiter / Guru
Jupiter is believed to be a bestower of successes...

Venus / Shukra
Venus Planet is mainly associated with family life...

Saturn / Sani
Saturn is symbolic of cruelty and irritations in life...

Dr.Head / Rahu
The planet Rahu relates to mind, insanity, Epilepsy...

Dr.Tail / Ketu
Ketu is quite influential to make one lovable among...

how influence planet star introduction

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