Astrogyan - Free Astrology Indian Astrology Free Horoscope Predictions. Complete guide information library
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Astrogyan has been online since February 2001. We have completed more than 10 years of service to mankind and over the last many years, we have had many thousands of emails of appreciation. Needless to say, your emails have been a huge motivation to us and we wish to share a few of our users thoughts with all our viewers / readers.

We value the contribution / suggestion / appreciations / complaints / grievances that our valued members share with us and look forward to live up to your expectations and continue to offer our services for the benefit of all. Click Here to send us a note. We'd be glad to hear from you and look forward to interacting with you on any of your queries. Thank you.


Thank you for providing free membership and for details furnished. we will look forward for your help. we congratulate for your excellent support for the society.

Jogeswara Rao

Astrogyan is one of its kind, dedicated to the service of people who love and need astrological help. Honestly, I rely entirely on your site for the specific purpose of nirayana computations. I will, ofcourse, refer this invaluable site to all who have similar interest.

Kamal Mohanty

I visited your web site earlier today and firstly wanted to congratulate you on the appearance, excellent content and accessibility I discovered there. It is not often I come across a web site that offers such a positive user experience and great information too.

Rashi Sharma & Veena Purohit

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Prathomesh Banerjeee

I have been using Astrogyan efficiently for the past couple of months. I am really happy to share my feelings and satisfaction at Astrogyan.

Balavijay Sampath

I am so interested in astrology as a science and I strongly believe that this technology as used at Astrogyan was directly related to the great wisdom of ancestors.

Kyaw Thura

First of all my immense gratitude towards all of you. Your team is doing a wonderful work by providing genuine information regarding astrology. I found this website very helpful and insightfulI am a registered member of your portal.

Rahul Raj Dhameja

Many thanks for Astrogyan, I love the site and I am already introducing your site to all my friends here in UK.


I visited your web site earlier today and firstly wanted to congratulate you on the appearance, excellent content and accessibility I discovered there. It is not often I come across a web site that offers such a positive user experience and great information too.

Nikita Patel & Mandira Bedi

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Neeru Grover

Daily it has become habit for me to look into predictions given by your site.

V. Padmanabha Sarma

Let me congratulate you all , for putting a such wonderfull site for general public, with some accurate precdiction.

Sanjib K. Nayak

Thank you very much for your great service to astro lovers like me.

Soundararajan Venkatesan

I m very mch thankful to Astrogyan. I have been using this site for past 5 years.

Hemant Chavan

It's my pleasure and my sense of duty to inform my friend circle about your website. It's amazing and wonderful website which gives us clear picture of our present and future. I understand your team is doing excellent job. Keep it up.

Raghuveersingh Fulanekar

Thank you from the depth of my heart for ur guidance. May god bless u and thank u for ur support.

Anupam Udyavar

We are very thankfull to this site for providing free horoscope. We think it's calculations are accurate.

Bibhu Pattanayak

Your web site Astrogyan is indeed wonderful. I found it very good in general sense.

P.P. Bhandarkar

I'm very happy with my experience of and I certainly will recommend it to others. In fact, I have already done so and would continue to do so. I mostly use the site for its 'Horoscope Matching' feature.

Prasanth Chengi

I must compliment you for a most useful site. I cannot tell you how much I rely on your site. I have found your site to be more reliable and accurate than many experts I have consulted in previous years. You are doing a great service to Indians.


Thanks for the quick feedback from your side. Most of my friends are using this site and have benefited too. Will try my best to spread this information about the site to all my friends and relatives.

Santoshi Korgaonkar

I saw your program last night on TV Asia in "Mano Ya Na Mano" and was truly impressed with your readings and your recommendations of gemstones, to a couple.

Sarita Saxena

Will remain a loyal customer to Astrogyan! The website is a wonderful example of providing Proper Indian astrological guidance and knowledge. Please keep up the good work!

Maneesh Gupta

I appreciate that your site is mostly to help people and have no intention of minting like other similar sites who simply tries to grab money from needy people. Hats off to you for having such a busy site. I expect to be normal soon with the courage I am getting from the daily fore cast etc.

Baldevbhai Panchal

I am impressed with your hindi version of Aarti Pdf files.

Sunil Nadesan

First of all I would like to appreaciate the work/service towards human civilisation through excellent website and consultation / suggestions is being given by you.

SN Pathak

Really a great work in the field of astrology, which has been used as a money swindling arena now a days. Really i thank you and i will surely represent your site unselfish work to my dear, near and others.

Muruga Shanmuga

I have been visiting your website ( regularly and found it very useful and accurate. Especially, with the background in astrology as my late father (Shri Ashi Kant Jha) was very renowned astrologer, priest and educator. He has imparted some knowledge to me for these subjects and I firmly believe in the richness and proven scientific strength of ancient Indian scriptures. I am very happy to realise that you and team at your organization is working for such a great work wholeheartedly.

Ishwar Jha

I love you all and your site! Looking forward to enlightening times...

Gralin Pritchard

I have read the futures on your site ASTROGYAN. The futures impressed me lot and i am having lot of regard in mind for your free services to humankind.

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Priyesh Priyam

Hindu House is an Association of hindus in Mauritius. We have been impressed by your website and feel that our members could benefit from it, we therefore applying for permission to reproduce your webpage in our group publications / circulars.

Virendra Ramdhurn

I've been a member of for about 4 years and found the website very helpful and interesting. I'm very impressed to see the dasha predictions and yearly predictions in the website. I'm also very happy to see on your website that you have dedicated yourself to the betterment of mankind.

Heemanshu Sharma

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Rajeev Sondhi

there are beautiful humans on this planet, you are one of those unique humans, whose dedicated service is truly commendable. Your site is superb... what i liked about your site is the available compatibility chart, i love truth, being on the road of truth, i landed in my native place, without anything, the beauty is though having nothing, i am really happy within, serving the sick humans in this village without any kind of fees because where money comes in, the evil begins, hence i used this compatibility chart, not only to access couple compatibility, but also compatibility of 2 humans, i wish astrologers can avoid mishaps in matching, by truly letting the would be couples know the truth, thus avoiding a bad incompatible future.

Arvind Shetty

I use to see yearly prediction and it seems to be accurate for me. So i got impressed by this site.

Vinoth Kannan

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It was a great pleasure talking to the developer today. I was quite impressed by the free service Astrogyan is offering for the human being. I also appreciate the limitation of free & paid services

Pramod Kumar

I am highly satisfied with my horoscope on your website. Most of the facts match with what astrologers have told me.

Ashish Agarwal

I always see the ways and means of pooja and charity in your Astrogyan details and follow them religiously since quite some time. It is truly beneficial. May God Bless you all.

Rhoda Garg

Thank you very much everything has been excellent, while going through the site of Astrogyan. I'm impressed with the efforts made for all the things, support system and information shared on various subject in the site. Yes, the site is impressive and the information given and the predictions given along with other facts are good. Since I'm a Karmkandi pandit Yajurvedi... thus I have strong belief that All these predictions.

Pandit Vijay Rawal

I have visited your site and it really impressed me the way you represented several information in a very systematic yet presentable way. The response time is also very fast compare to other astrology sites. One more thing I think need a great degree of applause that is the detailing individual's report on diff. aspects.

Subhra Routh

Thank you for developing such nice site which gives the information instantly on horoscope of individuals with planets positioning and their effects on individuals life. I got impressed with the information and subscribed for me, wife and my kids.

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Shailender Arora

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Pravin Sonawane

Personally, I think the site is wonderful and will reccommend it to my friends. Also, your responses were fast which is perfect in my opinion. Thank you again for your help.

Dimple S

It must be hard to do so when you have a million users from over 176 countries flooding your inbox daily. The mere fact that you had the patience is indicative of your commitment to the great Indian science of Vedic Astrology. Good luck and keep it up!

Sreerag Gopinath

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Anil Salvi

I am very impressed by the awareness given by you to common people about astrology and its remedies. In deed it is for the betterment of the mankind as said in your website.


I have been a member of your website and have been a regular user of the website. I am very impressed with the informative content and the design and style of the website.

Rahul Gosain

my highest confidence exists in what you are doing and the professionalism in your team. Currently you only offer interpretations on mahadasha and antardasha. You could consider adding the interpretation of the pritantar and sukshma dashas also.

Rahul Chaturvedi

Please accept my congratulations on putting together such a great and impressive service through I am most impressed with the accuracy of your horoscope forecasts - these say a lot about the great wealth of knowledge and wisdom that you have acquired through you vast experience spanning years. It is not easy to find a great vedic astrologer like you.

Manish Verma

The site is good and useful particularly for a layman who would like to have things going well for him but does not have enough understanding or time to know the intricacies of astrology.

Kesavan Rengachari

I live outside India and happened to come across your website. Your astrological site predicts quite accurately an individual's life story of what has happened, and perhaps what will happen.

Urvashi Mehra

The features that I liked the most were Overall Life prediction. Lot of things in the predictions were good. I would really like to appreciate all your group's efforts in that context.

Nikhil Parkar

I 'm Annanthan Narayanasamy from Malaysia. I have browsed your web site I'm very impressed with your website and the information on it. Best wishes on your effort.


I have passed the information regarding your useful and wonderful site to some friends and will continue doing so in the near future also. I must say that from your amazing site three things are very clear 1 Someone [ may be Guruji ] has a very deep knowledge and experience of Astrology and he really wants to help other human beings who are not so fortunate irrespective of their caste and religion. 2 The computer people working on this site have very advanced knowledge about making portals. 3 There is absolute coordination between the above two which is very rare and that is why you have the finest site on net on astrology.

Hitu Taneja

Your predictions are 100% accurate, as whatever you have mentioned about me is 100% correct & matches with my past & current life.

Aditya Shangari

Excellent and accurate predictions. Amazingly real, I have read all my past predictions and present happenings. And they are amasingly correct. This is unbelievable. Great work.


I got 100% accurate facts through this Astrogyan site. I got married 18 years. Whatever written in the predictions of matchmaker section are 100% correct about my wife meaning mentality, daringness, quarrel with each other, etc. I also find correct the predictions shown in Dosha's and Yoga's. I find excellent predictions through this Astrogyan. I really grateful to astrologist for providing this kind of information.


This site offers a lot of information for free which no other site offers and as i know a little bit about astrology i can tell it tries to get the most accurate results. I enjoy this site very much. Thanks for creating it!! My suggestion is there should be a way to contact the astrologer personally and get a prediction for atleast one question for free.


I 'am happy with the way (clean) the web site is maintained and the horoscope predictions are more often accurate. I wish the Astrogyan team a wonderful success.

Arun, Germany

This site is very informative and the question and answer section is very good and results matches most of the time accurately.

Kotrike Ragavendra Swamy

I hardly have words to praise. The website has more than I would ever expect to be available on Internet. And the information sounds very precise and accurate. I have developed another level of faith in Horoscope, and I would help others visit this site. The English used is very sophisticated, and explains the very purpose of the website in very professional manner. For a new user it's educating as well. God bless all of the people working for this MEGA PROJECT. My heartiest blessings are with you all.

Chetan Agarwal

I am very thankful to you that your web site is the best web site on astrology in the world, I ever found in my life. It is too much accurate. I want to suggest you that you should have a online chat option with astrologer also. THANK YOU VERY MUCH


a very good site which gives accurate predictions about individuals and solves some of the queries of individuals

Narinder Kaur

I congratulate you for extremely efficient site. I can very well understand the amount of hard work and intellectual property that has been invested in it for public good and to provide the rightful place for our traditional knowledge and wisdom.


I was very impresses to see the website "Astrogyan". the info given in it is so accurate. I have recommended it to many of my friends.


this is such a wonderful site with detailed informations, i really enjoyed myself. i think lot of point made are accurate, in provided predictions


I am a firm believer in Astrogyan as its prediction have proved quite accurately for me. Just want to know how to become a paid member and what benefit will one gets from that.


Your site is really wonderful. It is THE BEST ASTROLOGICAL SITE available on the WEB.


I appreceate your site in helping people who believe in astrology. I find it 99.99% accurate in my case particularly. But it can b more helpful, if you can help to resolve a specific problem or situation in human life due to bad phase of time. Remedial measures must be available to make the objective fulfilled. It is encouraging to listen from you. I do thank you for developing such a useful and valuable site. I have registered all my family members under it. Particularly, the daily predictions and kundli at your site is very much accurate in my case.

Sanjay Praharaj

My name is Kalaimani from Singapore. Eversince the member of, this the first time sending e-mail to you. Guruji it is indeed a very great service project launched on the Internet. It must be a hard hit for scrupulous and money minded for those claim to be a astrologer expert with no essence of astrological subject. This art is a gift from GOD and must not misuse or mislead information. I am quite convinced about the predictions of my horoscope in is quite accurate, only some doubts that need to speak to you to verify and guidance.


The creation of various charts viz birth, rashi(moon), Navmansh, and mahadasha, Antardasha and vimshottari dasha are very accurate and help the individual (Jatak) to get the(Falit) predictions quite accurately based on these charts. I wish lot of success of the programme.

K.K. Kukar

Hi there!!! The feature I like most is the dasas up to five levels, even in the most expensives hindu astrology programs in the west they don't have it. It is a pity that one can not print all the levels on a separate sheet.

Renato Ferreira

I am using your site for about a year and found that predictions are very accurate. To be more precise I purchased a new vehicle on the date it was predicted. Met two minor accidents during the period it was predicted. Got my son married as predicted. It is wonderful site.

Dr. Alok

Since I have been introduced to your site , I have enjoyed going to it several times a week just to become very familiar with its workings and inferences, which indeed have at times amazed me though still a novice but very much interested in the subject. Your deductions have been more or less accurate and am pleased to state that I have come to admire the Hindu system of calculations of the positions of the various planets.

Deva Soopramanien

Astrogyan is doing a meritorious service to citizens of various countries of the world by providing free life and yearly details for their guidance. Many are benefitting from your vedic astrology predictions. It is suggested that predictions are more accurate if all the major aspects and their effects taken into consideration. If it is possible varshphal should include predictions for the complete current 12 months. Does wearing different gems and stones really work to mitigate the evil effects of the planets in question? May God bless you!


Thanks for your response. I guess yours is the best site i have ever seen with almost accurate predictions.I like Daily predictions , daily calendar, query section dream interpreter, ayuerved remedies, mantra and everything else. I will definitely recommend your site to friends.


This site is just great. Every information is accurate and systematic. But if we will be happy if there is answer to queries for the use of astrologers to develop their knowledge.

Arun Kumar

First time ever i come across this type of interesting and valuable site with accurate predictions. It could be made more precious if you can give the correct date and the influence of particular planet that is responsible for the results.

Sanjay Purohit

Thank you for the reply and guidance MATERIAL. In fact I have started fearing the worst with my daily prediction. It's so accurate I never imagined. One day I read about worries with the young ones in the family and at 5.30 am my son developed some problem and it was a tense moment. Please suggest some remedy.


Excellent Site!!! From an astrological point of view details are very concise and accurate. Breakdown and analysis of components is thorough.


i m registered user of your site and i am highly impressed with your site. It's sooooo very accurate and perfect and its so helpful to me and my family.


I believe that primarily there should be some recollection of one's past/history, thus inducing a trust within the user. Through believing that Astrogyan truly is accurate to some degree, then and only then would one become a great believer of astrology


I find your current year prediction as the most accurate ever. Everything matches perfectly. Can this prediction be extended to the next few years and with the same accuracy


I am an avid fan of your site and most of the times I find the question and answers section of your site very accurate. It just happened this week when I met with an accident that I checked the site and it did warn me in that section. I only wish that I could have checked it before! However I am happy that I am safe and no one else was injured.

Manoj Sharma

First I must mention here that site presentation of various topics is very BEST and you have made difficult things also very simple to understand this is because of effective, simple format designed. One of the Well designed site appearances wise and also with full of content so far I have come across.


I came across this site by god's grace and find your casting of my horoscope amazingly accurate with those done manually by others. Your general interpretations very closely match with my life experience and family and professional life and is very inspiring


I want to congratulate Astrogyan and the team group, for providing a useful, informative website relating to Astrology. The various features offered free of cost is really commendable.


I must thank you for the wonderful webpage of Astrogyan and I really love this page to read my own Horoscope and I thank you once again for the nice and accurate information.


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